Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Spare Time

Alright already. There are a few things I've got on my ol bucket list that I really should have accomplished by now but have not. These are not things critical to existence, none of which involve great physical taxing or the rare opportunity to stare death in the face. Regardless, these are things I should do and can do and hereby pledge to do in my 30th year:

1. Paint a painting on an actual canvas with oil-based paints and nice brushes.
2. Brush up on my French that I earned a college degree in and haven't used since so I can actually go use it.
3. Travel to Salt Lake City and see my sister.
4. Submit an article inquiry to a major magazine.

It might not sound like much of an ambition to accomplish these four things, but to each their own. Without pointing out your goals, realistic or otherwise, it's far to easy to succumb to the rigors of everyday life and worrying about what to make for dinner rather than the direction you'd like to take your life. And, even though these things seem simple, they add up to greater goals: becoming a significant writer/author, being fluent in a foreign language and able to travel/work aboard with that, be a better family member, and using the right side of my brain more prevalently.

So here I go. I have 10 months and counting.


  1. What magazine would you submitt an article to? or examples of a magazine you would look at submitting a request to?

  2. There are a few in the Twin Cities, mostly lifestyle magazines.

  3. I didn't know you were a painter....what would you paint? A person? A scene? An object?

  4. probably abstract. for drawings i like to do people and cityscapes ... not sure about the painting scenario yet.
