Monday, April 12, 2010


I haven't written much lately but I've been thinking a lot about books. Books that I've read at different times in my life, what they meant to me; books that I'm reading right now and the things they make me think about; books that I've tried to read but haven't been able to get through for one reason or another.

I'll share my stories if you share yours. What books have you read, tried to read, loved, or hated? Lay it on me.

To get us started ...
The first book I ever remember reading and being completely engrossed in was none other than the Babysitter's Club Super Special #8: Boy-Crazy Stacey written by none other than Ann M. Martin. Thank you Ann. I checked that book out from the Edward D. Neill Elementary School library as many times as I possibly could, reading and re-reading Stacey's and Mary Anne's summer at the Jersey Shore as nannies. (Somehow they never met anyone named Snookie or The Situation)

I know it wasn't Tolstoy or even Hemingway, but I'll tell you what - Ms. Martin sure makes an ice cream at the Howard Johnson's seem like the world's greatest idea to a 4th-grader. That's just solid writing, plain and simple.

More importantly, though, it showed me the magical worlds created in my mind through reading. And for those of you who know me well, you know my mind does some magically creative things. (Which is why I can't watch scary movies - Michelle can vouch for me on that as she had to be in the same room with me when I saw Disturbia. I think I had to stay over at her house that night.)

So, that's my book. The buck is officially passed to you.