Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Liberal Radio ... why?

This morning on CNN there was discussion whether or not more liberal talk radio should be created to balance the conservative talk radio. I think that liberal talk radio has been attempted (Ed Schultz, et al) and it doesn't have the following convservative talk radio does. Why does there need to be a mandate for something like this? Why should time and money be spent on producing content no one wants to digest in that format? That's pretty anti-capitalist, and somewhat undemocratic if you think about it. People vote with their time in terms of Nielsen ratings and if no one is voting for it, why would it be produced anyway?

The first rule of public relations is know your audience. Know what conversation(s) they are having and how you can enter that conversation in a way that will move and compel them. Without knowing that, you'll never be able to get your point across. Without knowing how to enter the conversation meaningfully, it's like you're walking into a cocktail party and shouting at the top of your lungs instead of just going up to someone and visiting. And that's just weird.

Doesn't sound like anyone who is pushing for liberal talk radio knows their audience very well. Shouters.

(not that I like conservative radio. the hosts come across like religious fundamentalists. and that's weird too.)

1 comment:

  1. There already is liberal media out there...pretty much state-run. (See: CNN, MSNBC, ABC)...There is no need for government to step in and mandate entertainment, that's all the news is now, entertainment. Generally, the news is spun or biased to the point that you can get the general idea of what is going on, but you cannot take away any specifics.
